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The home of fishing in Wantage and Grove.

This page updated Tuesday 31 December 2024, all information is accurate at that date


Fees 2025/26.

The committee is recommending a £5 increase in fees across the board.

There are two main reasons for this, firstly to allow work to continue on making the banks safe and secondly to purchase 100 crucians, 50 bream, 300 ide and 300 roach at a estimated cost of just under £5,000.

The AGM will be held on Monday 3 February at the Old Mill Hall, Grove. Starting at 7pm


Increase in membership.

At the AGM there will also be a proposal from the committee to increase the adult membership from 200 to 250.


If you have opinions about this, or the fees increase, or the stocking plan then please come to the AGM on Monday 3 February 2025 at the Old Mill Hall, Grove, starting at 7pm

Text messages from Wantage and Grove AC

The club will occassionally send SMS messages to your mobile phones.

These will be to advise you of events such as work parties, to warn about fishery closures or other urgent matters.

To show they are genuine the text will be addressed directly to you by name.

The system uses a bulk email system so will come from an unrecognised number.

Match results.jpg

Match Results 2024


Matt Andrew takes it (again)!

Congratulations to Matt, click the icon to go to the results page, also see the blog for full commentary.

Cormorant Predation



The club is taking measures to deter these birds but the best line of defense is people. If any member is passing the pond, please take just 2 minutes to drive down and scare them off.


If any members have any suggestions please let the committee know.


There is a new fishery plan available.

Please take a few minutes to read this, it shows where the club plans to spend your membership fees over the next couple of years.

If you have any comments or suggestions please either come to a meeting and we can discuss this or use the contact page.


Fishery Plan

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 7 January 2025, King Alfreds Head, Wantage, 8pm

All members are welcome to attend

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