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National Lockdown 2020 - 2021
Nearly back to normal
Updated on Monday 24 May 2021
We are almost back to normal as far as fishing is concerned, matches are back on and night fishing is allowed, you may also travel to more distant waters.
But please continue to observe social distancing.
See the AnglingTrust website for details, see the full text here: The Angling Trust 18 Mar
The items below are a history of actions taken by the club on reaction to the governments rules. They are a record only, the current status is above this line.
Restrictions lifted
Updated on Saturday 20 March 2021
The government are to lift travel restrictiuons and the ban on match fishing from Monday 29 March. This means we're ll back to (near) normal from that date.
Match dates will be published as soon as the details are finalised.
The AnglingTrust website has full details, see the full text here: The Angling Trust 18 Mar
Travel restrictions & Match fishing
Updated on Friday 19 February 2021
The Angling trust has submitted a case to the government asking for travel restrictiuons for anglers and the ban on match fishing to be reviewed as soon as possible as part of any lock-down review.
See the full text of the Angling Trust's page here: The Angling Trust 11 Feb
Fishing Allowed
Updated on Thursday 7 January 2021
Following representations made to the government by the Angling Trust the "Cabinet Office have now officially confirmed that angling / fishing can be considered exercise and are hence permitted."
The Dept for culture, media & sport have confirmed "fishing is allowed as exercise so long as participants adhere to the rules on staying local, gathering limits, social distancing and limiting the time spent outdoors"
As a consequence, the pond and swift ditch are now open to members. The club urges all members to use common sense, observe social distancing and don't travel further than necessary to go fishing - the new law say that there is a "limited resumption of LOCAL fishing" (their capitalisation, not mine). Night fishing is not allowed.
Also, matches are considered to be "social gatherings" so remain banned until further notice.
Please be aware that the club has closed pegs 5, 16, 20, 21 & 22 on the pond.
​The link below will take you to the statement from the Angling Trust where you can see the full set of rules and onward links to the site. It may be worth storing this on your phone or printing off in case a member of the public challenges you.
Statement on relaxation of lockdown rules for fishing, The Angling Trust 7 Jan
Fishing Prohibited
Updated on Wednesday 6 January 2021
The government announced a new, national lockdown on Monday 4 January but at the time had made no pronouncement about the status of fishing.
On the evening of the 5 Jan the cabinet office announced that “the Government have taken the decision that fishing will not be permitted during this national lockdown period.”
As a consequence, both the pond and Swift ditch are closed to all members until the regulations change.
Click this link to see the advice from the Angling Trust
Statement on new lockdown restricyions, The Angling Trust 5 Jan
​​Further lockdown restrictions
Updated on Wednesday 23 December
Following a weekend of change we have new restrictions in place but be aware that these are likely to change again at a moment's notice.
Wantage and Grove remain under tier 2 restrictions. Angling is allowed and matches can take place, at all times social distancing must be observed. Berkshire (just 3 miles south of Wantage) is under the most severe tier 4 restrictions.
Anglers may travel within their tiered area for recreation but not cross into (either to fish or go through) tier 4 areas.
Tackle shops in tier 2 remain open but are closed in tier 4.
There are three relevant updates on the Angling Trusts website:
The Covid winter plan, The Angling Trust 8 Dec
The Covid update, The Angling Trust 20 Dec
Covid 19 page, The Angling Trust 21 Dec - At the bottom of this page is a really useful at-a-glance guide to fishing within each tier
​Matches back on!
On Wednesday 25th November the Angling Trust published guidance on the government's Winter Covid Plan.
In short, the rule of 2 is now back to the rule of 6, tackle shops can reopen, matches are allowed but social distancing must still be observed.
The full text can be found here: The Angling Trust - 25 Nov
Angling Allowed - Matches Banned
On Wednesday 4th November the Angling Trust issued further guidance.
They confirm that angling is to be allowed with the proviso that you "can only leave home to fish with members of your own household, your support bubble or with one other individual".
Unfortunately, "The tightening of the rules on ‘gatherings’ means that match fishing or any other organised fishing event is prohibited by law during lockdown." This restriction comes into force at on minute past midnight on Thursday 5 November.
The full texts of documents can be found here:
The Angling Trust - 4 Nov
The Angling Trust - 2 Nov
Government Lockdown Rules
The Pond
The pond will remain open for pleasure fishing but please note that Peg 16 is closed until further notice.
This page will be updated as and when more information becomes available.
Angling Allowed
Earlier, on the 2nd November the Angling Trust website advised:
"Unlike golf and tennis the government have not asked fisheries to close and their announcement and guidance makes clear that outdoor recreation at ‘parks and gardens’ and at ‘beaches and in the ‘countryside’ is to be deemed a legitimate reason for leaving home from November 5th. The travel guidance was updated yesterday and it seems that short journeys from home for these purposes are to be permitted"
The rules on the government's website state that "You can exercise or visit outdoor public places with the people you live with, your support bubble, or 1 person from another household ", what this means for match fishing has yet to be clarified.
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